Monday, November 13, 2006

NaNoWriMo Update

Just wanted to stop by and give you a brief update on my progress with NaNoWriMo. You can always click on my page to check my progress and read the excerpt that is currently posted: My NaNoWriMo Page

All in all I think it is going well. My word count is where it is supposed to be for the second week. The goal is not to have a polished manuscript so I am focusing more on just moving the story line along. Normally, I like to edit as I go - starting with the skeleton of the story and adding the meat as the story becomes more a part of me - but I am trying very hard not to get caught up in the perfection trap because it can seriously slow down word production.

Also, the story I am writing is an extremely emotional one. Considering where my life is right now, that could be a double edged sword. I certainly have the emotions to pull from but at times, it does become a bit much to endure as I tend to get overly attached to my characters. But I continue to plow through it, knowing that I will only be stronger because of it.

I have terrific writing buddies:, writerwritz, TeeCRoyal and WashuSaotome. I have an even more fantastic support team. So all of the tools are in place. Even my little cheerleaders - Tyler and Junior - have been very cooperative in letting mommy work.

My Survival Kit has been replenished- with the exception of the strong pair of hands; those are irreplacable. I did switch from Vanilla Candles to a more flowery scent. The Vanilla was making my sleepy.

And the offer for Margarita's upon completion of NaNoWriMo still stands!

Now there's nothing left to do but write, write, write!

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