Monday, July 01, 2013

Blogging for Profit: Back to the Basics

This infographic project was created to help the average business owner, or aspiring blogger, understand the ins and outs of blogging. Easy to understand and full of amazing content, this infographic answers critical questions like: How often do most businesses blog? Are consumer buying decisions influenced by blogs? What are the Top Earning Blogs and how do they create revenue? It also breaks down the Top 7 Blogging Platforms and their features, who’s blogging and how blogging can help your business.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely like to be a blogger and one that earns a full time income. I am a boutique owner however, I'm not sure how to go about getting the blog going. Can you assist with that or direct me to a starting point where I can take it from there?
    Thanks Nikki,
